Orwell was a visionary. His classic book, 1984, told of a futuristic society where "Big Brother" sees all. Guess what folks? We're there. Look all around you. Cameras everywhere. Google maps can zoom in to just about any place. Computers can be accessed by anyone. Which leads to the title about Sony Music. This is a few weeks old, but is still big in the news. Sony Music BMG started putting root kits in their CD's. What's a root kit you ask? Perhaps what a tree surgeon carries with him when working on foliage? A "How-to" manual on making homemade root beer? A cheerleaders instruction booklet? BRING IT! No, no. None of the above. Let's let the fine people at CNET explain it: "A simple definition of root kit is a collection of tools used by any criminal intruder to gain access to the root of a remote system, to get control of that computer, and to hide their presence. For example, if you were to search for running processes on your computer, a malicious tool might mask its presence by not allowing itself to appear. You would have no way of knowing whether you were infected."
Frickin SONY is invading our computers! Check out this article on CNET titled DRM This, Sony! for more on the story. Sony is now backtracking and has released a patch for it. Still, if you purchased any music from Sony recently and even just played it on your computer, then you have the Sony root kit in your system. More absurd is some of the fine print. If you file for bankruptcy, you lose the rights to your music that you already bought. If your music is stolen or lost, you can not obtain digital rights to the music. If you look at the CD funny, laser beams will shoot out and kill you. If you start humming the music you bought, then a Sony representative will show up out of nowhere and tackle you, tie you up and gag you for a period of 30 days. If your dog bites someone listening to some Sony music on their mp3 player, then your dog will be taken to doggy heaven. Yeah, the last few were jokes, but the first ones are real. Unfreakinbelievable!
Bottom line, research this if you have bought a Sony CD. And, if there is a way to get that music another way...THEN DO IT! For the record, most of the Sony artists were unaware of this and don't support it. I am not a big music downloader. I love buying CD's and checking out the booklet and stuff, downloading it into my computer and iPod and enjoying it. Bullshit like this from the corporate assholes will make me think twice. I have dabbled in video piracy and perhaps it's time I truly jump full force and do music as well. I'll be a pirate! Aarrrrggghhh!!! Yo, ho,ho, it's a pirate's life for me! Just call me NO BEARD! Scourge of the Internet!
Check yourself before you wreck yourself, Sony. Or else there will be some world wide jacking of your products going on. You're hatin' the playa, not the game! So, step off and get yourself right, fool!