I have a new stalker. Wait, I said that like I get them all of the time. This hasn't happened in awhile and I'm not sure if she's met stalker status yet, but she definitely reached crazy/desperate status. She has been coming into the bar lately and we talked a bit the other night. Another female friend was there with whom I'm flirty and after that friend left, Miss Crazy said she could tell I had sex with that girl. And then again last night, she started in with a lot of personal questions about girlfriends, relationships, etc. I sidestepped a lot of them as she gave me her tales of sadness and woe with divorce, bad relationships, etc. She then asked, "Can you help me find a husband?". Uh-oh. I told her I'd do what I could. Then she desperately asked, "What do you think of me?" I tried to be nice and said, "You're cool. Seem nice. Smart." She continues on, "What else?". "Uh...you're cute and nice...and uh...cool." She goes on, "I like you. Do you like me?" Again, I try to play naive and say, "Sure. I like you. You're cool." She insists, "You know what I mean. I need someone. Don't you like me? You should take me out, etc."
Needless to say, this went on for a bit and I kept avoiding. Thankfully, I had some other folks to run over and talk to at the time. After dismissing her nicely (I thought), she gave me that "I'll boil your rabbit" look. She put her coat on and bounced out without saying "good-bye".
She's clearly very lonely and it is a bit sad that she feels she needs someone else to validate her existence, but still, I'm not going to dance with devil in the pale moonlight. Oh, and yes, if I thought she was attractive I probably would have chanced the crazy. Yes, shallow. Suck it.
If you don't hear from me, then look for me somewhere in Hell's Kitchen. I'll probably be tied up to a wall with a gimp suit on pleading for my freedom.