Pushing Daisies, the acclaimed ABC series by Bryan Fuller, seems to have met it's demise. This was not unexpected as ratings have been low. You all know what a big fan I am of this show. Fuller has been a good friend of Comic News Insider and comes on the show a few times a year. We have championed the show since day one. Alas, the power of CNI failed this time. If you remember, Fuller invited me out to the set over the summer and I was able to interview most of the cast. He even promised me a walk on part if it got picked up! My big debut has been done in. Curse you ABC!
Rumors of the cancellation have been swirling around for some time now. I contacted Fuller the other day and I sort of read between the lines in his response that it was not looking good for renewal. And sure enough, the next day or 2, the powers that be at ABC pulled the plug. Fuller has said he wants the story to continue for the fans, the cast and himself. So, he has comic books in the works as well as a possible movie. The 13th episode of the current season will serve as the series finale and will end with a cliffhanger. So, look out for those comic books!
It just amazes me how American television no longer gives a show a chance to find an audience. So many famous shows did terrible in their first couple of years until they became popular. Seinfeld is one of the more recent examples. Networks are so quick to cancel and try to recoup costs immediately instead of seeing the big picture. Yet, they put faith behind an idiotic show like the new Knight Rider series or dream up some new stupid reality show.
Some silver lining perhaps. Fuller has said that he will return to Heroes if Pushing Daisies was cancelled. He was a co-exec producer/writer on season 1 of that show. And with it's current problems, they could use Fuller to help right that ship.
As reporters say...