Comic News Insider: Episode 382 is now available for free download! Click on the link or get it through iTunes! Sponsored by Dynamic Forces.
Reviews: Deadpool #49.1, Lord of the Jungle #1, Secret Avengers #21.1
Jimmy is back in NYC and still recovering from his time away. Due to last minute cancellations, he's flying solo this episode. (Thanks a lot, Jessica Alba). Jimmy talks about his trip to his hometown of Jacksonville, Florida and gives a big shout out to his new favorite local comic book store, Universe of Superheroes at the Beach. Thanks to old highschool/college best pal Ted for co-hosting last week and hanging. He also mentions The Muppets taking on FOX news and gives kudos to pal Olivia d'Abo for winning Best Actress in the Broadway World 2011 L.A. Awards! News includes: It's Shazam not Captain Marvel, DC announces Amethyst collection, Vaughn returns to X-Men sequel, Danger Academy goes to Hollywood, The CW finds their GA, and Kate Beaton has projects galore! As always, listener feedback, the Top 3 and more! Leave your iTunes comments! 5 stars and nothing but love!
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