I want to support friends in artistic endeavors. But what if they just don't have the chops? I have so many talented friends in various fields like acting, cartooning, directing, producing, writing, stand up comedy, singing, dancing and more. And I want to support through social media and the like. But it's tough when you don't think they got it. I realize that sounds egotistical a bit. Who am I to judge? Well, I'm JUDGEY MCJUDGERSON AND IT'S MY COURTROOM BLOG!
I recently came across some stand up videos of someone I know. Just not funny. Even the audiences in the clubs were barely laughing and many seemed to just do the light courtesy laugh. Other friends want to get into cartooning but just aren't good artists or writers. Again, not just me thinking so as I've heard others say the same thing. Same with singing or acting friends. Herein lies the dilemma. Do you say, "Hey, you are awesome! Keep rockin' it!" Or do you be a real friend and give the truth? "Maybe this isn't for you."
Yes, that's harsh but some people need to hear it. Unfortunately, we're such a PC society that no one wants to hurt anyone's feelings. That's why you see those outtakes on those ridiculous reality competition shows of the genuinely incredulous people who think they are amazing performers. It's because their family and friends could never tell them the truth.
This applies to me too. I was an actor, singer and dancer for years. I think I'm a fair actor but probably could never do Hamlet. I can carry a tune but am not a fantastic singer by any means. And I move really well in certain styles of dance but could never star in a dance-centric show. I realized my limits at an early age but still worked on them. I do believe in that. Working on things to make it better. But if there isn't a spark of talent, then maybe it's time to find something else. You can write ever day for your entire life and it wont make you a great writer. It might make you a better writer than when you started but perhaps not great. That goes for anything.
Maybe a little less kid gloves and a little more tough love is what this world needs.
#OneToGrowOn #HolierThanThou #IBarelyHaveTalentAndHardlyUseIt