Comic News Insider: Episode 501 is now available for free download! Click on the link or get it through iTunes! Sponsored by Dynamic Forces.
Reviews: Bushido #1, Captain America: Living Legend #1, Grindhouse: Doors Open At Midnight #1, Hinterkind #1
It's the small but mighty pre-NYCC recording! Jimmy does a quickie (and late) solo episode to bring you some of the goodness that CNI will be bringing to NYCC. Sorry it's a little late but there is SO much to do for NYCC. Jimmy thanks everyone for coming to 500 last week and encourages you all to listen if you haven't. Producer Joe will edit in various phone calls of congratulations as well. Plans for NYCC include signings with Kevin Maguire, Kelly Sue DeConnick, Becky Cloonan, Emma Vieceli, Michelle Mozes and more. The annual fundraising raffle will have amazing prizes as always. Jimmy will be madly dashing off to various press rooms for such shows as Bob's Burgers, Archer, Black Sails, Outlander, Lost Girl and more. Plus, plenty of interviews at the CNI table. Come see us at Table AA3 in the Podcast Arena located in Artist Alley (in Javits North). As always, listener feedback, Top 3 and more. Leave your iTunes comments! 5 stars and nothing but love!
Also, get a hold of us!
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Thanks for listening!