Comic News Insider: Episode 521 is now available for free download! Click on the link or get it through iTunes! Sponsored by Dynamic Forces.
Reviews: All-New Invaders #1, Bad Ass #1, Deadly Class #1, George Romeros Empire Of The Dead Act One #1, Judge Dredd Mega-City Two #1
Jimmy is joined in studio by the podcast wife Erica Schultz! After some extra cheesey pizza goodness, they get to chatting about the new Doctor Who costume and the X:Men Days of Future Past costumes. Boy howdy, lotsa costumes! Erica talks about the recent comic convention she attended in New Jersey as well. News includes: Deathlok comes to Agents of SHIELD, a superhero movie about the Chinese terracotta soldiers is on the way, a Frozen sing-a-long is coming to theaters and Dark Horse donates entire digital collection to Children's Cancer Association. As always, Listener Feedback, Top 3 and more. Leave your iTunes comments! 5 stars and nothing but love!
Also, get a hold of us!
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Thanks for listening!
Apologies to the band CIMORELLI whom, for some stupid reason, I kept saying CimorellA when I chose them as one of my Top 3 picks. Ugh. So sorry. Hate when I do something like that. But I meant ALL of the kudos I gave them. Go check them out!