Comic News Insider: Episode 604 is now available for free download! Click on the link or get it through iTunes! Sponsored by Dynamic Forces.
Reviews: Drones #1, The Infinite Loop #1, Kaptara #1
After a long absence, the podcast wife Erica Schultz returns! Jimmy is super tired and says some really dumb things in this episode like calling it Episode 603 when it is clearly 604. Plus, pronouncing Jared Leto's last name wrong even though he realized it later. What a maroon! They chat about the aforementioned Leto's new promo picture as The Joker, how RDJ's publicist wisely pulled him out of annoying interview, quick bits on some of the Convergence spin-offs from DC and Fun Home musical gets 12 nominations! News includes: DC Superhero Girls to launch, Jill Thompson working on Wonder Woman graphic novel, Frank Miller returns to Batman, Stan Lee partners with Peter David and Colleen Doran for his graphic memoir, an all female Transformers is coming, Sony is planning a new animated Spider-Man film, Dragon Ball returns to TV after 20 years and more! Leave your iTunes comments! 5 stars and nothing but love!
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