Comic News Insider: Episode 750 is now available for free download! Click on the link or get it through iTunes! Sponsored by Dynamic Forces.
Reviews: Batwoman Rebirth #1, Super Sons #1, The Wild Storm #1, Humans season 2, SuperMansion season 2 premiere, The Walking Dead mid-season 7
Jon Hoche returns to the rotating co-host chair after a week's hiatus. The boys talk about doing a podcast cook book and the new Doctor Who rumors. News includes: The Allreds are bringing Bug!: The Adventures Of Forager as the first Young Animal mini-series, Pixar launches online storytelling course, Karen Berger and Dark Horse will launch Berger Books, Marvel and Archie Comics are releasing Marvel Comics Digests, FUNKO and IDW are joining together to start the Funko Comic Book Universe, Kevin Smith has a Sam and Twitch TV series in development at BBC America, Vertigo comic series The Kitchen is being adapted into film, Guillermo del Toro confirms there won't be a 3rd Hellboy film and more! Leave your iTunes comments! 5 stars and nothing but love! Also, get a hold of us!
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