Comic News Insider: Episode 1072 is now available for free download! Click on the link or follow on Spotify/subscribe on iTunes!
In our 21st episode of COMIC BEAT INSIDER (CBI), Heidi MacDonald (The Beat Chief) and Jimmy are joined by friends Jon Hoche and Therese Lacson (The Beat Entertainment Editor/Nerdophiles Co-Founder). We cover just about everything from DC Fandome! The Batman, Wonder Woman 84, Justice League: The Snyder Cut, The Suicide Squad, Milestone Comics, The Flash, Harley Quinn, video games and more. What was our favorite moments? What are we most looking forward to? Which was the best trailer? Tune in to find out! As always, a great discussion with an awesome panel! Join us each week to listen in live. Send in topic ideas for future episodes. Be it in comics, TV or film. Also, get a hold of us!
Thanks for listening!